All Professional and Continuing Studies classes, programs and activities are currently running as scheduled.

UD inclement weather policy

When the University of Delaware is officially closed, all Professional and Continuing Studies activities also are canceled. Visit UD’s home page or call 302-831-2000 to check on weather news affecting the University of Delaware.

When the University is officially open, inclement weather may still affect some Professional and Continuing Studies programs. Check for specific updates on this web page.

Please note that neither faculty nor students are expected to take unnecessary risks to meet their teaching and learning obligations when there are inclement weather conditions.

When classes have not been canceled, it is a matter of personal judgment whether traveling to campus is hazardous. Faculty should notify their departmental offices when weather precludes them from meeting their teaching obligations; similarly, students should notify their professors when inclement weather precludes them from class attendance. In such cases, students should be allowed to make up missed class time and, whenever possible, canceled classes should be rescheduled.