UD Montessori Teacher Academy

Free Online Workshop: ‘Montessori 101’

Montessori 101


Thursday, April 3, 2025, 5-6 p.m.

Join us in this free online workshop to learn the basics of Montessori, and how you may be able to apply its philosophies and methods surrounding the child-centered classroom and more.

  • Who was Maria Montessori? The Montessori founder was a doctor and educator, famously quoted as saying, “Play is the work of the child.” Learn about her groundbreaking, child-centered educational philosophy.
  • Basic tenets of Montessori education — Montessori focuses on students’ unique development and abilities, hands-on learning, problem-solving and social development, a commitment to equity and an emphasis on the whole child.
  • Applying Montessori philosophy — How you can incorporate Montessori philosophy and practice into your own classroom, to support students’ development and learning.

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